
As a result of my brain tumour growing slightly, I haven’t forsaken conventional medicine at this stage. I am back on Everolimus and Lenvatinib. Neither have I given up on holistic healing. I am hoping that the combination of conventional and “unconventional” will reduce the tumour to the point where I am comfortable giving up the drugs.

There is plenty of evidence that cancer is caused by the myriad of toxins in the environment and that we absorb into out bodies. Our bodies are excellent at fighting against these toxins until they are overwhelmed and we get sick.

While I was off the medication, I started to modify my diet, transitioning from a fairly conventional diet to a wholefood vegetable-based diet. In principle, that is a vegan diet, but eschewing anything processed, like pretend meat, sausages and burgers.

However, a really important stage in healing is detox to get rid of the many toxins that are in our bodies and mitigate the effects of any new toxins we are exposed to. I am following Dr Dana Flavin’s protocol that is on her website: Long-term Detox -A Lifelong Detoxification Plan for Protection – Collmed. I just received my order for all the nutrients and supplements yesterday and started on the protocol last night. It seems like a lot of tablets and capsules, but each one with good science behind it.

Equally important is to avoid exposure to new toxins. This means reducing EMF exposure and checking out all the chemicals, cleaners and cosmetics we are exposed to, and chucking out those which are dangerous.