I haven’t posted for a while but thought it worth noting that I have been off the meds for about a month and feeling quite good as a result. As I noted in my post of 8 July, I agreed with the oncologist that I would suspend my combined therapy of Everolimus and Lenvatinib because the nausea, lack of appetite and lack of energy were taking their toll on my quality of life.
As I result I am feeling a lot better. I am eating well, though haven’t yet put much weight back on – only a couple of kilos. And I have a bit more energy as a result of which I have been exercising a bit more. But I need to increase my exercise further. We have had rather grey damp weather recently which has hindered my preferred exercise of cycling. We have an indoor exercise bike but that is not much fun. It certainly doesn’t compare to being out in the fresh air enjoying God’s creation.
Enjoying life again
And I find myself getting back into things that I was too lethargic to enjoy. I have a keen interest in classic racing bicycles and have several in various states of completion and restoration. These bikes have been languishing untouched for many months, as has my website about these bikes. I am in the process of redesigning the website which had got rather outdated and not good on mobile devices. And I am back to restoring and rebuilding some really good classic racing bikes, I am eager to ride them and photograph them for the website.
Next Steps
The fact that I have been off the Everolimus and Lenvatinib doesn’t mean that I have been ignoring the cancer. I haven’t done a full detox but I have made sure that I minimise my exposure to toxic materials. It is not generally recognised that whatever you put on your skin is to some degree absorbed by the body. I have even heard it said that you shouldn’t put on you skin anything that you wouldn’t eat. And even that eating these things is safer because your digestive system will eliminate some of it, whereas what is absorbed through the skin goes directly into your tissues and blood. So it is prudent to limit use of cosmetics and things like anti-perspirants.
The other part of my approach has been my diet. Cutting out foods that are high in sugar is a must, and something that I had been a bit careless about in the past. Also cutting down on meat and on processed food and increasing the consumption of healthy, and often raw, vegetables. I bought a blender and make smoothies with celery and other cancer-fighting vegetables.
I have also been reading up on the supplements recommended by doctors who specialise in the holistic treatment of cancer and am taking a number of those to supplement my diet.
Next Scans
I am due my next scans in a couple of weeks and hoping and praying that the results will be good enough that I can avoid going back on the medication. The big test of course is the size of my brain stem tumour. Two scans ago it showed a good reduction. Last scan it showed no change. I don’t know whether to interpret that as the meds becoming less effective, or whether to interpret that as the meds doing a good job stopping the tumour from growing. The next scans will show the effects of going off the meds and living a healthier life (though I recognise there is still more that I can do in that regard).