My Kidney Cancer Update – September 2024

I hadn’t been near my computer for a while, so this blog is badly in need of updating.

My recent scans were goodish news – my lung metastases have reduced from 4 to 2 and are inconsequential as far as size goes. My brain metastasis is really the only cause for concern and that is stable – no increase in size, but not the reduction that I would hope for.

I am still on Everolimus (5mg) and Lenvatinib (10mg) and the side effects are not too worrying – mainly tiredness and lack of energy. Not like when I was on a higher dose of Lenvatinib when I had no appetite and was nauseous much of the time.

I am still going to the gym and that is doing me good, but I haven’t been much in the last two weeks for a couple of reasons. One is that I have had a persistent minor chest infection – the sort of thing that one would normally shake off in a few days, but for the medication which compromises the immune system. I take things like Vitamin D to help boost my immune system, but it is still not what it was. The other reason my gym time has reduced is that I am not allowed to drive, and public transport means that I have quite a long walk from the bus stop to the gym. That walk was great when the weather was better – a nice walk mostly through a park, but it is somewhat less appealing when the weather is cold and wet as it has been recently.

I asked my oncology consultant about getting my driving licence back. I haven’t had any problem with fits or blackouts since my treatment over 3 years ago. He agrees that he is not really the person to judge on brain issues, so he has referred my request to the consultant who treated my brain tumour in Birmingham. I have yet to hear back.