
As a result of my brain tumour growing slightly, I haven’t forsaken conventional medicine at this stage. I am back on Everolimus and Lenvatinib. Neither have I given up on holistic healing. I am hoping that the combination of conventional and “unconventional” will reduce the tumour to the point where I am comfortable giving up the drugs.

There is plenty of evidence that cancer is caused by the myriad of toxins in the environment and that we absorb into out bodies. Our bodies are excellent at fighting against these toxins until they are overwhelmed and we get sick.

While I was off the medication, I started to modify my diet, transitioning from a fairly conventional diet to a wholefood vegetable-based diet. In principle, that is a vegan diet, but eschewing anything processed, like pretend meat, sausages and burgers.

However, a really important stage in healing is detox to get rid of the many toxins that are in our bodies and mitigate the effects of any new toxins we are exposed to. I am following Dr Dana Flavin’s protocol that is on her website: Long-term Detox -A Lifelong Detoxification Plan for Protection – Collmed. I just received my order for all the nutrients and supplements yesterday and started on the protocol last night. It seems like a lot of tablets and capsules, but each one with good science behind it.

Equally important is to avoid exposure to new toxins. This means reducing EMF exposure and checking out all the chemicals, cleaners and cosmetics we are exposed to, and chucking out those which are dangerous.

Alternative Cancer Therapies – Part 3

I have been on a combined therapy of Everolimus and Lenvatinib for metastatic kidney cancer in my lungs and brain since November 2022, so about 7 months. In that time my appetite has been badly affected and I have frequently felt nauseous. As a result of which my weight has reduced from 80kg to 68kg, which is quite a shocking reduction, seeing as how I wasn’t overweight to start with for someone of my height and build.

Added to my woes, I am just starting to feel better after 3 whole weeks of feeling really bad. It started with flu-like symptoms of headaches and aches and pains, then I developed a swollen and sore throat, badly affecting my voice, and then developed a mucus cough which I am at last getting over. A compromised immune system is one of the effects of the drugs and I assume that is why I have felt so bad for so long, with the sort of thing one expects to shake off within a week.

I had my regular meeting with the oncologist 2 days ago, on Thursday 6 July, and told him that I wanted to go off the medication for a bit so that I could get to feel normal again and hopefully repair my immune system. He agreed, but cautioned me that if I go off them too long, he will be unable to resume the same treatment, and he would have to start me on another drug.

At the same time, I have been looking at alternative therapies that might be kinder on the body and let me live a more normal life. I was learning particularly that some doctors are having impressive results treating cancer naturally as opposed to the traditional treatment of “cut, poison and burn” as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are popularly known. I have had all those, though the chemo is via a daily oral drug rather than being hooked up to a machine periodically.

Natural therapies make so much sense with three main components:

  • MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SPIRITUAL wellbeing. These are widely recognised as having a major impact on our healing and health. I know in my own case I have had a bad time with anger, unhappiness and toxic relationships. Many people have experienced these or had other mental or emotional trauma. I manged to put much of it behind me when I became a Christian – being forgiven makes it so much easier to forgive. God forgives us but people may not be so forgiving, in which case all one can do is apologise and see whether there is any way to make amends. Sadly, if people are not forgiving and are angry and resentful, it only hurts them and ultimately hurts their health, as it undoubtedly did mine.
  • DETOXIFY. We are surrounded by toxins. They make us ill. They stop us from getting well. We need to detoxify our lives as far as possible and this means getting harmful chemicals out of our lives – things like cleaners, cosmetics, weedkillers, insecticides and so the list goes on. we should look at the ingredients of everything we use. Some things are hard to change – such as the impurity of our tap water. Although there are stringent requirements for the amount of various impurities in parts per million, there are so many impurities that added together, they form a substantial amount. So not only do we have to minimise ingesting new toxins, but we have to detoxify to get rid of the ones that remain in our bodies. This is something that I am researching how best to do and will update with my experience.
  • DIET. The consensus seems to be in favour of a mostly vegetable diet. Some advocate Vegan, some Vegetarian and others cutting down drastically on meat. There are differing opinions too on eggs and dairy. Where there is unanimity is on drastically cutting down on sugar and processed foods and refined grains, with an emphasis on buying organic where possible, which can unfortunately be expensive. Many doctors recommend various natural foods and food supplements with known anti-cancer properties

I am still in the process of researching and learning. Two websites that I like are the following. The people who started them are very generous with the information that they make freely available and both have plentiful experience successfully treating patients. They are:

What I particularly like about Dr Conners’ website is that it starts with a quotation from the Holy Bible, which is very apt and which well describes his philosophy.

I will provide updates as I go along and have some experience and results to share.