Wednesday 22 February 2023 marked the start of Lent. Throughout Lent, our church Curate will be leading discussions on the miracles of Jesus recorded in the Gospel according to John. These discussions are held at the church of The Good Shepherd in Newton. The church I attend, Christ Church in Brownsover is part of a “Benefice” comprising 3 churches – St. Mary’s, the Parish Church of Clifton-upon-Dunsmore, The Good Shepherd in the same parish and Christ Church, the Parish Church of Brownsover – under the one Priest in Charge.
The Wedding of Cana
The first miracle, that we discussed on Wednesday, was Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana. My first reaction was that we know all about that. Jesus had the wash jars filled with water and turned it into wine. “End of” as they say. Except when you study it, thinking about the culture of the time and place, it shows the enormous compassion of Jesus, and showing it in a way that it was known only to a few people at the time – the servants who filled the jars. And lots more learning and inspiration too.
Present Day Miracles
This led on to a discussion about miracles in general, and whether we see any today. My own thoughts are that all the workings of the Holy Spirit are miracles in our lives. “Coincidences” all stack up to the point where there is no reasonable explanation other than the working of the Holy Spirit.
More recently, in my life they include my move to the Midlands. So when my kidney cancer was discovered, I was under the care of one of the best surgeons. I was near Coventry, where the University Hospital has an excellent Oncology Department with excellent Nurses, Doctors and facilities. I was drawn to God just months before my brain tumour was discovered. When it was discovered, I was within easy reach of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, which is the centre of expertise for the type of radiotherapy I needed. And, unable to drive because of my brain tumour, I found a wonderful church within easy walking distance. Then, when walking became painful, I had a bike and found that I could ride that without pain.
A New Miracle
The day after this discussion of miracles, Thursday 23rd February, was a miracle day for me. I had an Oncology appointment in Coventry and got the great news that my brain stem tumour had shrunk from 22mm to 16mm. And my pain left me so that I was able to walk a whole mile, for the first time in a very long time.
I thank God for this great improvement. Thanks too to all my Christian brothers and sisters who have prayed for my recovery and to the medical team at University Hospital.
It is easy to say “It’s all down to the medical team” and I can’t fault them because they have been wonderful, nurses and doctors. But we believe in the power of prayer and that God uses and guides medical skill. And there are just too many coincidences, outlined above, for me to believe that God doesn’t have a hand in everything. I feel blessed.