Goodish News

I have just had my recent scan results and am not quite sure whether to be disappointed or elated. The tumour in my brain has not increased and is pretty much the same, whereas some of the small nodules in my lungs are a bit smaller, others unchanged.

So it is very good news that things are directionally right, but after all the hard work I would have hoped for more improvement. My diet is pretty strict in terms of no dairy, no sugar, no meat and only occasional fish. I sometimes think it would be really nice to have toast and marmalade for breakfast and I occasionally long for something like apple pie. I don’t make exceptions because of the risk they may become too frequent.

I have been trying to exercise too, mostly walking. The wet and windy weather is a bit off-putting and I very much feel the cold. I am really looking forward to warmer weather and the possibility of getting out on one of my classic racing bikes. I do ride my mountain bike a bit, but it just doesn’t have the wonderful feel and pace of a thoroughbred racing bike.

I thank God that overall I am in pretty good shape. Everything under control and I have even been able to do some heavy lifting in the garden.

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