In Bible Study last night we looked at Exodus Chapter 2, which describes Moses’ birth, rescue and early years. The story in a nutshell: The Hebrews in Egypt were getting so numerous that Pharaoh was concerned that they might be a threat; first he enslaved them, and then decreed that any new-born Hebrew male should be killed. So Moses’ mother kept him for 3 months, then to save him she waterproofed a basket and hid it among rushes at the bank of the river Nile, where Moses’ older sister kept watch from a distance. It was the spot where Pharaoh’s daughter bathed and she heard the baby crying and decided to keep him, even though she knew he was a Hebrew boy and that her father wanted him dead. There were just so many ways that this plan to save the baby could have gone wrong. What it does show is that if God has a plan, He will make it happen. We see this same thing throughout the Bible and in our lives too – especially when people’s lives take an unexpected turn.
That was very evident in a book that I have just been reading: ‘I dared to call Him Father’, written by Bilquis Sheikh. She was a high-born Muslim woman in Pakistan who, against all the odds became a Christian. It wasn’t only her family and friends who tried to dissuade her. She had threats on her life and evil forces against her. But she and God prevailed and she became a Christian missionary.